Isen - A Fantasy World Wiki
Isen - A Fantasy World Wiki

Arcus is a Cumulus, from a kingdom called Castle Cloud, in the realm known as Skyland.

Arcus is a member of the Castle Cloud royal family, but far enough down the line of succession to be of no political importance.

One day, in the material realm known as Isen, powerful raw magic was used to resurrect the dead wolf, Hodge. Hodge's soul whipped violently through a number of different realms collecting parts and being rebuilt on its way back to Isen. As it passed, Arcus was swept up in its wake, and was dragged out of Skyland along with it.


Skyland is a realm primarily devoted to Trittorah, the God of Elements. It has little connection to Isen. Its inhabitants are called Cumulus.

The world consists of a number of floating cloud-like kingdoms, orbiting a small watery globe, known as the Great Puddle. All liquid in the realm makes its way down to the Great Puddle eventually, including the liquefied remains of the deceased.

Many believe that the dead are reincarnated as they evaporate and return from the Great Puddle. This process is referred to as The Water Cycle, and is a core belief in the religion of Skyentology.