The Sidebars | NPCS | Places | Episodes | Magic, Plants and Animals

The Sidebars Credit: Aden Meser Photography
Fate of Isen - Book Two[]
Welcome back to Isen, it’s been a while since you were last here. A thousand years in fact. The year is now 2700 AC and Isen is seemingly peaceful. Indeed the Gambit of The Resistance seems to have paid off as the citizens of Isen have been able to live and grow with no world ending catastrophes to deal with, not even a small one at that. The survivors settled down to rebuild their lives and now all the torment of the last great Surge is forgotten to all but a very few who keep the knowledge alive… just in case. There are places that most Isen-ites still don’t go for fear of dragons and other such giant monsters, but they are defined and protected with treaties upheld by the Council. Everyone is welcome in Isen.
Speaking of the Council, after the Arkvale War it was decided that having individual Kingdoms was no longer in the best interest of Isen as a whole. Instead the areas would be renamed Regions and instead of a King or Queen there would be a Speaker of each, in charge of speaking for the people in the region. The only region that was not changed was Arkvale, due to an unfortunate naming accident in the Treaty Document, meaning that it remains the Kingdom of Arkvale ruled by the Empress. That's fine though. They can change that when the Treaty is due to expire and the threat of another war is well and truly past.
The World of Isen is quiet, more silent than it has ever been. There are no whispers of divine presence. No prayers. No churches. They wouldn't know the words meaning. The world has forgotten that the very Gods themselves exist. Every mention of them having been erased from books and minds and now while you may find a small reference by accident, names and any understanding of who they are, is lost to time. Except in some minds there is that small itch, similar to the uneasy worry that maybe you've left the fire going at home, while you're out shopping. Did you put it out? You're pretty sure you did but... why can you not quite remember? The shadowy musical group 'The Forgotten' seem very keen on things being erased. Searching the world for certain objects, books and images that they then destroy, singing in joyous praise for those who may have seen them before destruction and ensuring that ... 'something' REMAINS forgotten forever.
The time for heroes has long gone, though adventurers still find a simple trade doing various jobs for others. The world still has its challenges and evil simmers just under the surface. There is something in the air, in the earth, in the water, in the fire that burns and in every adventurers heart that calls to them. Something has changed. Something is calling and it sends a chill down the spine. The World may indeed have need of heroes once more. What will be … The Fate of Isen.
The Sidebars[]
Meet our Hero's for 'The Forgotten" campaign.

Dexter Clementine the Human Monk. Credit: Haunted Sandwich
Dexter Clementine - Human Monk[]
Dexter hails from the streets of Tillholm, Skirrik. Originally rescued from his orphaned status by the Crimson Line, he soon realised that their dubious grasp of morals went a lot further than he was prepared to follow. Dexter took the first opportunity to escape their grasp and found a peaceful home in the local Trabajadoras del Suelo Monastary under the watchful fatherly eye of Abbot Peeek. Unfortunately, the Crimson Line did not forget about Dexter and used him to smuggle Bloodweed out of the grounds of the monastary, until the Abbot found out and Dexter decided to run.
Following a wandering road, Dexter ended up penniless and hungry at Lakeside. Needing money badly and looking constantly over his shoulder, will he ever be free from the clutches of the Crimson Line? Dexter just hopes he can find a home at last.

Hamlet Brockflower the Human Fighter. Credit: Haunted Sandwich
Hamlet Brockflower - Human Fighter[]
Hamlet hails from Mayport, Terranis and is the son of Basil and May Brockflower, brother to Astrid Blockflower. The Brockflower is a vegetable that looks like a cross between a broccoli and a cabbage, and Hamlet's family created a dynasty in creating and selling it. Astrid is due to inherit as his parents consider Hamlet not capable... to do anything really. The Collyhearts across the river from his family home are vegetable rivals and this is celebrated in the annual May-Lamp games.
Hamlet set out to Lakeside to prove himself capable to his family as well as himself and perhaps also eventually rid himself of the smell (and pressure) of his family vege-history that seems to follow him everywhere he goes.

Granny Sabinka the Half Elf Druid. Credit: Haunted Sandwich
Granny Sabinka - Half-Elf Druid[]
Granny hails from Maistro, Skirrik and is the Matriarchal Grandmother of a HUGE family. She started the Piekarnia Bakery which is famous for their sourdough bread, but the bakery has now been taken over by her children. Most of her family consider her old and only good for the duties of babysitting the many grandchildren. While Granny was happy for years to do this, she found herself thinking a lot about the stories of mighty hero's she read to the kids and dreaming about living a life of adventure.
After a particularly rude encounter with her daughter, enough was enough. With some help from local retired adventurers she stole the family sourdough starter and make break for Lakeside to find some real adventure, before it was too late to really enjoy it.

Bradley Bardley the Human Bard. Credit: Haunted Sandwich
Bradley Badley - Human Bard[]
Bradley hails from Georgia, Farryame and just graduated from Georgia Bard College (G.B.C). While they were looking for somewhere to play their first gig since graduation, they attended a "frenemies" gig at a local tavern. Bradley was tricked into a bet with a strange person and even though they had to put their family heirloom Golden Lute on the line, Bardly wasn't worried as it seemed easy enough. Only it wasn't.... and now Bardley has NO idea where it is. Only that they can't play in Georgia again until they find it.
So headed out anywhere but here, Lakeside was one of the first stops on the way. Playing their way into and out of trouble, Bardley is looking for any rumour of golden sound as they maybe... finally make a real friend.
The World of Isen - Year 2700[]
Much is still the same in Isen in the year of 2700, but certain places have changed a lot. Also, we introduce towns and places of interest that we didn't see in Book One.
Check out all the new towns, places and information for Book Two here.
The Citizens of Isen - Year 2700[]
Meet the Citizens, Travelers, Adventurers, Factions, Groups, Bands, and Speakers that make up the population of Isen in the Year 2700. You will meet many new faces as our Hero's explore the world (maybe a few old faces too) and we thought you might like a handy place to find them all.
Check out all our NPC's information for Book Two here.
BOOK TWO - Chapter Earth[]
The earth is dying and the earth stone is missing. Will our hero's be able to stop the rot and put things to right?
Episode 1 - Episode 32[]
Our heroes the Sidebars get introduced to Isen, starting with Lakeside, Skirrik. As they explore the town trying to get themselves some gold coins, they begin to realise there is something very wrong with the earth, it seems to be dying. As they try and help the farmers out with their failing crops and blighted land, they meet some new friends and potential allies, make new enemies as a Bard's Band named Caaves? visits Lakeside, and after getting sick caused absolute chaos in the local Lakeside Hospital. Our hero's are asked for help from the Head Nurse, she believes that the Hospital's healing abilities are also failing and it's linked to the land somehow. Perhaps the stone that she gave away to Abbot Peeek for study had something to do with that? The Sidebars leave town to track down the stone, stumbling into the path of Dexter Clementine's old crew the Crimson Line and it's avaricious leader Mr Kane. Dexter's old monastary home provides more mysteries than answers as they barely escape the tangled grasping death of the Greenhouse with the enigmatic Earth Stone in hand. Returning to L.H. and Nurse Nahi, they install the stone where it belongs and reveal images they don't understand on the walls. With so many questions and the earth still dying, where else will our hero's go next to find the answers?
See more information on the events of Earth Episodes here.
BOOK TWO - Chapter Water[]
The underwater kingdom has rarely been explored by those of the traditional Isen dwellers for good reason, it's hard to breathe down there! Surface folx aren't usually very welcome either. What strange occurrence sees our Heroes admitted below the waves?
Episode 33 - ?[]
The Sidebars begin their adventures of this chapter with the announcement that Nurse Nahi has arranged for them to travel to the best library in Isen, which is of course underwater. What will our heroes find under the waves? Listen to find out!