- 15: Hospital Hijinks
- 16: Wen, there's Darkness
- Airedale
- Alarkon
- Anfer and Gilif
- Arcus
- Arkvale
- Ballentia
- Banffor City
- Banffor Watt
- Belas
- Book Two - Places of Interest
- Brune, The Unbending
- Brus
- Caidron Fausst
- Caidrox Dawnworthy
- Campaign - 'Adrift on Ruined Seas'
- Campaign - 'Resistance'
- Campaign - 'The Epic of Eric'
- Campaign - 'The Gigantic Adventures of Jeff and Simon'
- Campaign - 'The Surge'
- Campaign - 'The Wistal Whistles'
- Campaign - The Forgotten
- Cy (Shuck)
- Dorekis
- Empress Tajna
- Eric D.S.
- Farryane
- Fate of Isen - Book Two Episodes
- Fraylin, The Butterfly Queen
- Grimm, The Exiled Wolf
- Hama
- Haydet, Lord of Knowing
- History Timeline
- Isen - A Fantasy World Wiki
- Isen Flora & Fauna
- Kashtar, Bringer of Life
- Killian Rett
- Kirene
- Lakeside Hospital
- Leahmin, The Bountiful
- Lunaris
- Magic, Plants and Animals
- Marley Kraff
- Meygas
- NPCS of Book Two
- Northern Isles
- Parke
- Pinebridge
- Porter
- Prince Yarmon
- RPG Campaigns
- Rad Boomerang
- Raw Magic
- Sai
- Sasha Torchwood
- Sheen
- Side Campaign (D&D 5th Edition)
- Siktaman, Prince of the Just
- Skirrik
- Sorgamuul, The Destroyer
- Taarin
- Terranis
- The Gargantuans
- The Gods of Isen
- The Grey Lioness
- The Twelve
- The Wild
- Trestlespoon Dur
- Trittorah, Master of Elements
- Tuptiss Bonedust
- United Arkvale Resistance
- Xinth, The Untrue
- Yerrin Trueshot
- Yrrzac, Chaos Incarnate